Adapt, Improvise, Overcome - X-Forces Enterprise
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Adapt, Improvise, Overcome

Business Masterclass - Online Presence and Social media
Adapt, Improvise, Overcome

The immense challenges presented by Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions forced businesses large and small to rethink their operations. For many, the new mantra became adapt, improvise, overcome...a mindset with which the military community is well acquainted.

The pandemic brought about changes to the way we live and the way we do business, as a ‘new normal’ evolved. In the face of adversity and what was described as an existential crisis, entrepreneurs drew upon reserves of creativity and flexibility in order not only to survive, but to thrive.

Both businesses and their customers increasingly ‘went digital.’ People who had never considered themselves online consumers of products and services suddenly found themselves doing squats with Joe Wicks, while the global e-commerce sector saw its share of all retail sales jump to almost twenty per cent in 2020.

Small Businesses, with fewer resources to call upon than their national and multinational counterparts, had to be even more nimble with their footwork when it came to operating models. XFE Ambassador David Smith, owner of CrossFit Spitfire, is a prime example. The CrossFit concept had been entirely customer facing but, like many others, David faced the prospect of either adapting fast or simply ceasing to exist, as he explains:

“A big part of what we do for our members is to look after them not just physically, but to help safeguard their mental health - so doing nothing was simply not an option. We adapted by delivering online sessions - still within a community setting - in addition to providing members with equipment and the means to do the sessions by bringing important familiarity, and ensuring that each person’s needs were catered for as best we could. It ended up leading to a number of exciting opportunities which we made the most of, and continue to do so.”

When the pandemic hit, we at X-Forces Enterprise (XFE) had to pivot in order to remain fit for purpose and serve our community. We acted swiftly to move all our training courses, events, and workshops online. While we have begun a phased return to an in-person programme and are firm believers in the value of face-face interaction, it is inarguable that virtual events offer accessibility and flexibility that cannot be ignored.

While much of the pivoting to online business was borne out of necessity in a time of unprecedented anxiety, the way the world works, trades, and consumes, has changed forever. Therefore, XFE launched the Business Masterclass: Online Presence series, supported by ABF The Soldiers’ Charity.

These free half-day workshops, delivered virtually, allow both new and established business owners the opportunity to explore their online offering within the supportive environment of a facilitated group, and hear from invited experts in the field.

The next Masterclass takes place on Thursday 19th May and runs from 09.00-12.30. Ensure your business is in the best possible place to prosper within the new normal - book your free place now.

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