Top 3 Summer Startup Business Ideas - X-Forces Enterprise
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Top 3 Summer Startup Business Ideas

Top 3 Summer Startup Business Ideas

This week we explore some of the most popular summer startup businesses and some of our successful #XFsuccess entrepreneurs who have set up businesses which make the most of the summer seasonal trade.

1. Outdoor Personal Training/Fitness businesses

In the run-up to summer we often see a surge in Personal Training/fitness businesses. People want to make the most of the sunshine and show off their beach bods and summery wardrobes and Personal Trainers can help them achieve these goals.

Personal training businesses offer entrepreneurs the flexibility of following their fitness passions and training clients but without the high set up costs or overheads of setting up a gym. Instead, trading from an existing gym or fitness studio, or even making the most of the outdoors by training in parks and outdoor assault courses can help Personal Trainers set up relatively quickly and for a lower cost. This can be suitable for large groups in bootcamp type sessions or for one-to-one clients. With a big proportion of our Armed Forces community having a strong interest in fitness and the discipline and leadership necessary to run such a business, this is one of our most popular startup categories for summer.

Startup Business Ideas

2. Dog walking startups

It’s not only people who want to make the most of the sunshine and many dog owners realise this and are willing to pay a dog walker to make sure their pups aren’t stuck indoors all day in the good weather.

Dog walking is a simple business to set up for dog-lovers and usually one which can be structured around existing commitments such as part-time employment or family commitments. With some basic marketing such as local leaflet distribution, social media advertising and adverts in local vets and dog groomers, dog groomers can soon build a healthy client base. If there are existing dog groomers in your area, perhaps you could explore an additional value add such as pet sitting or dog training, if you are qualified to do so.


Startup Business Ideas

3. Drinks Startups

We explored the success of street food businesses during summer in our blog last week, but drinks are never far behind during the summery season.

‘The Burning Barn Rum’ was created following a fire at their family farm. The fire and smoke inspired them to create a unique spicy rum and military spouse Katherine Jenner hasn’t looked back since:

‘Being master of my own day and experiencing the huge sense of achievement and buzz I get from each sale is fantastic! I will advise anyone thinking of becoming an entrepreneur to just say yes and figure it out later! Don’t be afraid to ask for help – just like X-Forces Enterprise, there are so many people willing to offer advice or lend a hand’.

Burning Barn Rum

Perhaps you would prefer to sell drinks at festivals like our #XFsuccess business Fizz Festivals Ltd. which is another example of a successful summery startup in the drinks industry who host festivals supplied with prosecco.


X-Forces, get my startup set for summer!

If you wish to startup a business, or have been trading under 24 months then get in touch and see how XFE can help you secure low-interest government-backed start-up funding to get your startup setup in time for summer. We offer free workshops and networking to help you brush up on the essentials of running a business. We also offer 12 months ongoing mentoring to ensure you have all the support you need to make your start-up a success. Our programmes are fully funded by our partners so we don’t charge you for our support.

To get your startup set for summer, contact us and one of our team will call you back.


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