Working from home

On Monday Londoner’s across sectors will be considering working from home as the Underground grinds to a halt, however, for Start Ups and Self Employed freelancers working from home can be a cost effective and flexible option.

Here are X-Forces Top Tips for Working from Home:

1.Set up a workspace.

Get into the right ‘working environment’ is important to keep you focused. Set yourself up in a room with minimal distractions and sit at a desk or table instead of a sofa or bed to avoid cosiness turning into sleepiness!

2. Have a set of goals.

Keeping yourself motivated can often be one of the biggest struggles about working from home. Begin your day with a realistic set of goals which you want to achieve by the end of the day and tick off each activity as you complete it. Perhaps consider rewarding yourself with a little treat after each accomplishment.

3. Take regular breaks.

When you’re working from home, especially when you’re alone in a room, it can be tempting to sit in front of the laptop and continue working for hours on end but you will be much more productive if you give yourself a 10-15 minute break each couple of hours you work. A fresh pair of eyes may also help you see things more clearly upon your return!